Saturday morning Brianne and I met Jon and Amy Buchanan at Skydive Aggieland so Jon and I could take a dive out of an airplane. It was a great time! We jumped from about 10,000 feet with a 47-second free-fall and about 3-4 minutes "under canopy" as we floated over B/CS. It was an amazing experience! We did flips and going out of the plane and spins during the free-fall. We surprisingly weren't nervouse at all. It was really easy to just relax and enjoy the experience. It may have helped me that I had a superhero jumping with me. As you will see from the video, I had Spiderman in the plane with me and he jumped just before I did. Notice his jump method, he hung upside down by his toes on the wing before dropping into the open sky.
Jon coming in for his landing.
Jon coming in for his landing.